Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Pictures from Catalina X

If you want to post pictures from Catalina X, send them to Cream Puff (venicerunner@netzero.net) or me (mqholt@yahoo.com).

Or join the Valhash blog team and get your own posting privileges! Post whatever you like! Anyone with a Valhash title is eligible. So far we've got Circuitcision--"Founder", Cream Puff--"Waterboy", and me--"Gland Master".

Lots of titles are like totally available, like "Hash Cash," "BeerMeister", "October Hare," "November Hare'" and so on. Be freakin' creative.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

< 24 hours to Catalina X- what do I bring?

Valhashers! In less-than 24 hrs, you will be hashing on a scenic, never-before-hashed trail laid by LBH3 rocker, SIN D BEAR!

So, you may be wondering: Like what the hell do I bring? Well, here's an incomplete list:
tent (poles+stakes+ground cover helpful)
sleeping bag
flashlight/headlamp {heh,heh,-head}
xtra batteries for harriettes vibrators (AAA + AA)
sunscreen + hats + sunglasses [campsites and trails very exposed]
favorite hangover remedy/condoms
hash wear + gear + hash mug (bring one you wankers)
towel + toiletries + quarters for pay showers down in town
snacks and food to eat if you're not eating at the restaurant in town
water carrier device for trail--you will need it.
cooking utensils, camp stoves/fuel, percolators
volleyball/football/whatever ball/testicles, etc.
r#nning shoes + socks (the only item they don't sell at the general store)
tevas/flip-flops/whatever for camp
fleece-wear for cool nights

Dude--where do I go when I get there?
Ok, you chug down the rest of your beer, get off the boat(important), walk off the dock(in direction of island), turn left, and look for the Ranger's stake-truck with the Keg of micro-brew and ice on it--throw your stuff on there with it. Then, keep going in that direction (left of the dock, while facing island from beach) ~1/4 mile up the trail to camp area. Valhash has reserved all the sites tiered along that first down-trail that you get to. Specifically, we have sites: 4,8,11,12,16,17,18,19,37,38,39. All the sites hold multiple tents, so please pick a spot and leave room for other hashers you like to set up.
Awesome. See you on the Island!
On On, Creamy

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Ferries to Catalina

I just checked with Catalina Express, and they have the following ferries available from San Pedro to Two Harbors on Friday, Sept.23: 10:15 AM, 12:30 PM, and 7:20 PM.

For the return trip on Sunday, they have the following times: 1:15 PM and 6:00 PM. (The 2:15 is full and the 1:15 has been recently added.)

If anyone cares, Ofeelya and I (plus 2) are on the 12:30 going out, and the 1:15 coming back.

Be sure to book now: Catalina Express is 1-800-481-3470.

I didn't check with Marina Flyer for the boats from Marina del Rey to Two Harbors, but usually they have Friday boats at 9:15 AM and 6:00 PM, and one Sunday boat returning at 12:30 PM. Marina Flyer's phone number is 310-305-7250.

Hurricane OFeelya to Blow Catalina!

Ladies and Genitalmen,

If you have seen the "like, who's cumming?" post on this blog, you know that OFeelya (who is basically the new "1st harriette" of the Valhash, due to her {m-word} to our new Gland Master, Dinged-Up Dick) is cumming to Catalina. She should not be confused with the OFeelya on the East coast, who is described as "slow-moving and hard-blowing", and is currently spinning on her way toward MoreHead City, NC! The difference, we should note, is that one pertains to weather, and the other whether or not she will blow all of us on the Island.

OFeelya--please be gentle with us!

On On,

Friday, September 09, 2005

Wet Willy Saves The Day! ! T-shirt design update

After Bike Rack was recently kidnapped by Egyptian Brothel Owners, along with her x-rated Valhash t-shirt design, The Valhash disorgy-nizing committee faced a difficult situation: Who is the next great-looking foreign chick with a nice rack who we could convince to re-design the 10th Anniversary Valhash Catalina event t-shirt? Hey, we're not as dumb as we look--we focus on foreign chicks because they usually don't understand our question until they have already said "yes!". Well, thanks to the Right Reverend Kumsukker's relentless, targeted American-English lessons, our own WET WILLY said yes! -and heroically stepped in and pulled off a totally awesome t-shirt design! A huge thanks to Wet Willy for the nude modeling, uh--I mean the design work. Oh, also a big thanks to JUGGLES HIS BALZ for acquiring the actual t-shirts--including a scoop-necked harriette style that we hope will display the design very well. By the way, the Valhash is currently negotiating the release of Bike Rack, and we expect to have her back from Egypt in time for Catalina.

On On to Catalina X!